
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

★Paris Everyday Fashion★

How is everyone doing? :)

As I've been in Paris working on 2 months now just as you would imagine I've seen a bunch of fashionistas walking around. And while that is fabulous there are some things that I have seen again and again and has brought me to the conclusion that these items are some of the "must have", and "go to" items when speaking about French everyday fashion, and that is what I wanted to blog about today (actually around a week ago but I'm finally posting now :P )

Starting off with shoes, because hey why not, we have some lovely pairs of boots. Pretty much every girl that I've met has a couple pairs and girls that I see on the streets are wearing them pretty much everyday. Now the boots that I see the most often are either this nice boot cut style or calf length (pictured below). They are available in many different colors but I find that blacks and brown are worn the most often here.
Also take note of the heels, for they are not thin at all and is a nice and thick. Part of this I believe it is for style but the other part is the fashion industry taking into account how much Parisian, and French women walk. Whether it be 20 minutes to run to the supermarket, or 40 minutes to get to class, going in and out of the metro, and up the metro stairs, or just to work, the French walk a ton. I really do enjoy it but it has totally killed my cheap American flats that I bought before I left. I should move on before I get started on a tangent about the death of my beloved shoes due to its dysfunctional relationship with cobblestone. Anyway, if you are planning on visiting France I would suggest bringing a pair of these if you have them and don't mind walking in heels. Also I would actually consult you to buy them here since I'm beginning to find that the quality of French shoes (in general) are a lot better than what we would get back home. I will be buying a pair myself when I'm not as broke because they are great for walking and last a long time which is something I would prefer to buy over something that will only last me a couple of months.

Next on the agenda is the leather jacket. There are EVERYWHERE. Everyone and their mother owns one of these in its various forms. Every clothing store I have been into sells them, thrift stores are overflowing with them, as well as the multiple specialty stores. I'm only posting these two but in reality there are many different styles of the same jacket. This is trend that I like a lot since I feel that the jackets give off a really cool and stylish aura. It would be nice to see more colors but I know that in the US it would be better to work with a ton of colors whereas here it seems to be the place of darks and neutrals.

Lastly the thing I've seen the most on French women are the following bags! A slightly more pricey brand is Longchamp, but multiple stores sell the same style of bag in different formats, either this normal purse style, a smaller version, and finally a larger one as well. One of my friends actually bought the following maroon one and it is absolutely adorable. They are very convenient as a purse for a girl living in Paris because there is a very large chance you will be taking the metro daily, and since Paris has quite a few problems with pickpocketing this is a godsend since it zips and you can just slide it in front of you, and protect it with ease. Once again I see mostly black and brown, however there are some funky colors out there as well. 

What I would say in total for a "typical" french young adult look would be a combination of all of these and a scarf. Obviously this is not daily wear since the French are very fashionable and they like to switch it up and dress gorgeous everyday. This look looks very cool, and even though it is only a couple items it it looks very well put together not to mention everything mixes quite nicely.

Well, there is another entry and I hope you enjoyed reading :)
Are you surprised at some of the everyday wear for French women?


Instagram to follow my adventures!! :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Bonjour Everyone!
I wrote a post when I first started my blog earlier this year talking about how I would be going to France for my junior year of university, and I'm finally here, Woot! I've actually been in France for around 3 weeks but now I finally have the time to just sit down and really write about what I've experienced so far. Well, to be honest I've had little cracks in my day that I could have written but that time usually is just the minutes I can just sit on my bed and breathe.  I've been running like the energizer bunny these past couple of weeks. I feel like I've actually been here for 2 months. The days truly do blend together, and not like in the summer when the days blend together and you cry when you get closer and closer to the first day back to school. It's more blended in the fact that I don't have any clue where the last couple weeks have gone and when I think about it my mind just can't focus due to the blur of it all.
I'm going to try and backtrack and give a slight overview of my first couple weeks here.
Leaving my family again for another year was difficult. I normally go to school out of state so I really only see my family a couple months a year, but knowing that this will be another Christmas without my family does make me a bit somber so that sucks quite a bit.
Anyway lets move on to less depressing topics. The plane ride was actually not that bad. I had around 7 hours to London and it passed rather quickly. I watched Admission, a couple episodes of the Big Bang Theory and then caught up on whatever season they had of Dexter. Here is a photo of the food we got. :)  It was really good and I was pleasantly surprised. Then again I'm not that picky...or at all really. I'm the one who at times really enjoyed cafeteria food. Ha Ha Ha...yeah I know.

Pasta, salad, tea, a roll and cheesecake <3

I did have one slight layover in London. Sadly, it was only an hour so I really didn't get to see anything. Right when we got off we had to take a shuttle to the main airport which was interesting. Actually being in a vehicle that drives on the opposite side of the road was an experience.
I met a really nice girl who was teaching in Israel and we had the same plane to Paris and to our horror it took a lot of time getting through security and taking the shuttle so we were literally running through the airport looking for our plane. Thankfully we found it! That ride was only an hour and I just jammed to my music the whole time.
Arriving in Paris though...was the thing I was dreading the most at the time. I've been to Paris before and I remembered that CDG was a mess and I was nervous about everything. I need to start just chilling and going with the flow.  Getting my visa stamped was sort of annoying because there was only one person at the checking point so it took forever.
Also here is my scary airport story. If you go to study abroad in France there is one thing they repeatedly tell you in order to avoid a lot of trouble and accidents. Time after time I was told about fake taxis, and I was certain I was going to be fine and I was trying not to think about it too much. As I was waiting in line to order a taxi this random dude came up to me and told me he was also a taxi driver. I was actually freaking out thinking this dude was going to kill me. In order to not die I kept asking him for his credentials and kept rambling on about how if he didn't have those then in my mind he was a scary killer. My exacts words were something along the lines of "I think if I go with you I'd most likely die" in my broken french since I was so mind boggled. Luckily and to my embarrassment as well as pleasure he did have a card and his car said taxi on it. Thank the Lord. The dude was really nice but I felt bad because he kept trying to talk to me and I tend to do this thing in cars, whether it be for an hour, a road trip, or however long it is, and that is I drift off. So this dude kept trying to talk and my head kept falling up and down so I must have appeared like a badly manufactured bobble head. He was cool and helped me find the House of Canadian students where I paid to stay for 10 days. /overpriced

Upon arriving the really nice dude at the reception desk (who is later to be renamed Moroccan man) helped my lift my human sized suitcase up the stairs because there was no way in Hell I could have done them myself after such a long day. The room itself wasn't bad, in fact it was sort of cozy. I actually forgot to take pictures....whoops.
My roommate came in later and o m g she was, and still is hilarious. She made me really laugh out loud quite a couple times. We had a mini meeting later in the day and then afterwards we both went out to get out first crepes in France! They were so delicious. 
After that a lot of what happened after for the next week is in one big blur. In short I've made a couple great friends who I've hung out with a lot during these past couple of weeks. I would have been depressed if I was all alone with no one to talk through. I can to France as an exchange student when I was 16. Now, at 20 it is surprisingly much harder.
Here is a few things that I've done with some photos :)

We went and ate lunch at the jardin du Luxembourg which was beautiful!

I went on a boat that rode along the Seine which was glorious. The view was lovely and it was fun. Also my friends and I were running crazy late for this and we were actually sprinting through the metro and 3 streets to get there on time. It was a mess but we made it!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the mini update! I honestly can't really think of anything else right now and I just want to sleep! I'll be trying to do another update tomorrow but here is Part One!

I hope everyone is doing okay as well!!!!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram !

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Woah World Hello!

Hellllllllllllllllllo Everyone!

I have not updated this blog in a long time and I am so so so sorry! I feel horrible. I have started a Summer Gets post with loads of stuff I've picked up thus far but I thought before I posted that I would do a little personal update first.

Since the last time I have blogged I have changed locations!! I am back home in New Jersey for a little bit in order to see my family before I begin my study abroad in Paris. I won't be seeing them for an entire year and even though I don't see them for 6+ months due to my attendance of university in Florida, I won't be seeing them for holidays.

Looking for another full time job has proven to be impossible since I will only be here until mid August and no one seems to see the point in hiring an employee for such a short amount of time. Luckily I still have a job that I work at one time a week and I do crazy hours so I'm not completely screwed in the money department.

I've been obsessing over random things I've been finding out about France. The stumbleupon focus on France interest has been my best friend. What I've decided to do it make a list. I want to make a list of all the places I want to see, places to go, and also random little tidbits to do while in Europe. I'm going to put it all in my Harry Potter journal that I got while at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Other than that I have no idea what to use it for so I'm happy to have found a great use for it. Like I said before I LOVE supplies and notebooks and pens so while there I just had to get the journal.

I can't wait to show you guys all the stuff I got.
To give s little hint you should expect to see some killer red colors and cute shits with collars. :)

I hope everyone is having a great summer!!! What have you all been up to?

Also I hope everyone in the US had a great 4th of July!!!

xoxo Jessie

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram ~! :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Liebster Award ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

Hello Everyone!!!!! 

I have had the honor to not only be nominated once, or twice, but THREE times for the Liebster award! I am so very happy! The people who nominated me are:



 The Girl Who Bakes and More~

Doctor Meow

The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award is for blogs with less than 200 followers.

The word Liebster is german and basically means 'sweetest', 'dearest', 'welcoming', 'endearing', 'kind', 'lovely' etc.

1. Each person nominated must list 11 things about themselves.

2. Anwser the 11 questions left by your tagger.

3. Create your own 11 questions. 

4. Tag up-to 11 people.

5. Let the person, you tagged know that you have tagged her/him


I put all the questions from all three taggers! Haha Loads of questions~


 11 facts about me 

1. I have a slight obsession with post-its and cute things. I feel like I need to own them all. Haha

2. One of my dreams is to live in Japan.

3. I have issues with my appearance like almost every young women. 

4. When I'm in an awkward situation I tend to talk a lot and also at a very fast pace. lol

5. I'm easily embarrassed. 

6. I go on random love binges with certain fruits. At the moment I eat way too many oranges. 

7. I LOVE using emojis/emoticon, and anything to further add to an online conversation. I'd add more to mu blog but I think I would scare people with the face overages. 

8. Literally writing this is so hard and i don't know why but when I get to the next fact number my ming goes "I like cheese". 

9.If you are my guest I will take care of you. :)

10. I'm an animal lover. I wish I could own a squirrel. 

11. I talk with my hands and use noises/movement to add to whatever i might be telling you. 


iPhone or iPad?
iPhone! I don't have an iPad but I can see why it is popular.

Favourite beauty product at the moment?

Favourite makeup brand at the moment?

Do you prefer TV or computer?
Hmmmm I like watching TV on my computer but it is sometimes nice just to sit on the couch and watch some Game of Thrones. 

Do you like where you live?
UM! Well my apartment complex is okay and I (finally) have great roommates but I think Florida is too hot for me to live in year round. 

What's the weather like right now?
Right now its fine. Usually its really hot and humid. :(

Favourite thing about blogging?
Being able to write about things that I love. 

What is your favorite food?
I really like pasta. And I mean like as in LOVE.

Have you ever thought of starting your own youtube channel and making videos?
LOL. It has crossed my mind. Also my roommates said that would record the crazy stuff I do and put it on YT so I guess that counts too. 

Have you met anyone famous?
Well I am a legend in my own mind so... Haha just kidding! But yes! I have met Mike Tyson and Patrick Dempsey. 

Who is your inspiration?
Ai Takahashi and more recently Shiraishi Mai. 
1. What made you start blogging in the first place?

I wanted somewhere that I could talk about everything that I love and experience. I wanted to stop just thinking about things and actually start writing them down. I want to be someone's inspiration for once! :)

2. What inspired your blog name?
Haha Actually I really don't know. It's one of those usernames that I've been using for a while and I feel like it is a really cute name. It's something that sort of, sticks? 

3. If you could add another element/subject to your blog, what would it be?
I'm not sure! Since this is not only a fashion blog, but a lifestyle blog I feel like I can really write anything on here and share it. 

4. When do you usually post?
I'm trying to post more but usually every week or two. 

5. Do you have a set time of the day/week/month that you post on your blog?
Hmmm not really. 

6. Youtube or Blogger?

7. Favorite one ^

8. Do you wear makeup? If so, what is your favourite brand?
Of course! I love makeup! I really like Mac and Nars right now. 

9. Do you have any interests that you do not include on your blog?
I really like Japanese and Korean music, but I'll be trying to add that to my blog. 

10. What would you like your life to consist of?

11. Who is your celebrity crush? (Glad I'm not answering this- I have so many!!!)
Bradley Cooper 
  1. What are you doing right now besides this blog post?   
    Eating my roommates home cooking :D
  2. What is your dream job?
  3. Working Public Relations overseas or in the NE.
  4. What did you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (your last meal)
  5. Homemade Mexican.
  6. Do you have a pet? Tell me about him/her
                                         I have a pet kitty at home. He is a tuxedo cat and his name is Eminem
                                          and he is a cutie pie.  
7. Do you watch The Walking Dead? Who is your favorite character? 
I do not. 
8.     What's your favorite ice cream flavor? 
I love coffee and cookies and cream. 
9.Where did you last go with a friend?
 Out to froyo.  
10. Describe yourself using one word.
 11.What do you think is your best physical feature?
My curly hair.
12.  When did you start blogging? 
Ughhh A couple of months ago. :) 
 13. If we meet someday, what's the first thing that you'll say to me?

Now time for my own questions!
1. Favorite color?
2. One makeup product you'd love to own at the moment? 
3. Music you like that would surprise some people?
4. Favorite article of clothing?
5. Do you read fashion magazines and if so which one if your favorite? 
6. Are you in university or still in high school?
7. Idea of a perfect day?
8. Where do you want to travel to in the world the most?
9. Favorite Youtuber?
10. Worst pickup line you've ever heard?
11. Why did you start blogging? 

Time for the tagging to commence~
1. Ariel
2. Michelle
3. Belphoebe -
4. Molly
5. Lotti
6. Nora
7. Sophie Denise
8. Natalie
9. Anita
I was having trouble finding people with under 200 followers so this is it for now :)
This isn't mandatory or anything for you guys, I just love your blogs <3


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

❤ Ai Takahashi ❤

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well!

This post is going to be about  former Morning Musume leader, and current talento, Ai Takahashi and her involvement in a cool modeling project. She has been chosen as the latest celebrity to take part in the VANQUISH VENUS project. VANQUISH is a high fashion mens brand from Tokyo, Japan.
Now, even though they are a brand of clothes for men they have started a project called "VANQUISH VENUS" and what they do is collaborate with female Japanese singers, actresses, and models to form an interactive campaign. Other celebrities include Yun*chi, Hatsune Miku and AAA's Chiaki Ito.
From the website the description of the what the project does :
"Pick up a hanger in VANQUISH stores and you will be greeted by a stunning pop-up "Venus" movie. These bespoke interactive displays were created especially for VANQUISH by top digital designers "Team Lab".
 I wanted to write this post about this because Ai Takahasi is my favorite singer and I think it is awesome that she has been given this opportunity. Ai-chan has appeared in quite a few magazines as of late, but I didn't think she would be doing something like this, but it was a very pleasant surprise. The outfits are all really cute as well. All the photos I have got from the official site, Ai-chans blog, and from other fans who have linked the photos. 
Not only is she on the cover for their web magazine but she is all over the entire store!  
VANQUISH VENUS website (*^▽^*) ----
^-------This is the website for the campaign. 

VANWUISH VENUS ft. Ai Takahashi video (★^O^★)
^------Also not only are graced with all these gorgeous photos but we even have a video to watch as the magic happens. She did a really amazing job and it was really cool to watch.

Solo Commercial with Ai Takahashi (☆^ー^☆) 
^----- Awesomely enough not only has she been in lots of magzines lately but she has also has her own solo commercial! She is singing and there is a cute bear. What more is needed? Also one thing that I'm envious of is she is great at dealing out loads of expressions. You can also tell that she had a complete blast filming this commercial. It's on 30 seconds and it truly worth the watch. I've got them memorized and randomly sing it around my home.

I absolutely love the one to the far right. I think she looks amazing anf just perfect. Her hair is gorgeous, and just everything is great.

I find this simply amazing. Her photos are everywhere. Also I love how they are in black and white. It gives off a more edgy feel.
This one is my favorite though. I love polka dots and it matched very nicely with this simple blue top. The white shoes and the yellow bow are a really nice touch as well.

Signed poster in the store. :)

Like I said above the black and white really adds flare to this photoshoot. I love how everything came out and I wish I was in Japan right now so I could go in. Alas though, I'm stuck in Florida for a bit!
They are also promoting her solo live show next month in the store and in the

This is just a little photo of her from one of the multiple fashion magazines she has been in lately. I'd love to own that cream too if thats what she uses for her skin Haha.

This is just a tiny update! I'll be doing another post really soon :)))))  I just wanted to get this out first :)

love you all xoxo

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram! :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Collar Love :)

I am completely captivated with collars this year. In pretty much every way, shape and form, if it has a collar the item automatically gains 50 points.
I first saw the rise of collars throughout Japan and South Korea. I really hadn't seen anyone in the United States wear them as much as I saw in my Japanese Fashion magazines. They really did show me some new ways to wear a collar and how to make some cute combinations.

During winter I bought this polka dot shirt, not for the shirt but actually just for the collar. I felt it would look great underneath a sweater, and I was right! That was most likely my favorite look that I wore all season long.

Now, since it is way too bloody hot to  wear sweaters all the time. I've just been wearing the collared shit by itself. I also bought this stunning white, studded, and bedazzled collar from Forever21. Isn't it cute?

 I love this just for the fact that I can wear it with a pair of shorts and it is still stylish. At the same time if it is cold in the office and espcially during next winter I can through one of my sweaters on top and it automatically becomes more professional looking. That is another big plus for collars. Is it just me or does it add a dote of professionalism to an outfit?
Also this is another shirt that I own that has a collar on it. This one is more large and has lace on it. Coupled with a Hollister sweater makes it even more lovely in my opinion :) .

These are some collars, and shirts with collars that I've found while browsing online and I thought I would share them all with you. :)  Also I've made the names into links in case any of you fall in love with them and want to find/buy them!

Adorable White Jacquard-Collar Lace-Panel Chiffon Blouse  
This is just really cute. It has lace for the top of your shoulders. It's also in that over sized sweater type of style which will be amazing for summer time. Looks loose and comfy which is a definite must!


Lace Collar Top 
Now this is from Top Shop and it is so nice. This would look great with some pink, or any other colored jeans and some pumps for a night out. Or even with a nice skirt. I want this so badly. It would match my ruby red skirt so perfectly. This would also be really great for work, especially if you work in an office since it is very professional looking.

Regal Embellished Shirt 
 Next is also from Top Shop! I keep visualizing this along with my slacks for work.  I love the little dangling beads as well, it makes the shirt stand out and really matches the shirt. Also this color is beautiful. It's one of those shirts that look good on various skin tones so it would reflect and balance an outfit well.
It's just gorgeous and it needs to be in my closet asap.

Loose Shirt w/Bowtie 
Now time for the chiffon haul.  This one it really nice and it actually comes in white as well as this light brown color.

A-Line Blouse w/Contrast Color Tie
 This is another one that comes in many different colors. This one is mt favorite though because for one thing I think it will look best on me compared to the others and it is the one that my eyes were drawn to first. I love the fact that not only does it have a collar but it has a cute ribbon to make into a bow. I absolutely adore shirts like that. I feel the same way about them that I do about outfits that come with a belt. Its like a two for one deal. There are loads of things that can be with the ribbon on its one. You could use it in your hair in multiple ways as well as a belt! I love when I purchase an item and it comes with something else. Haha

Metal Rivet Studded Spike Collar Blouse
 Now this one is just a plain white chiffon shirt, however, the collar is studded!  Stubs are really in this year. They've been put on pretty much everyhting from shorts to shoes so I'm not supposed that they are now located on collars. Personally I really like it since it gives a slight edge to a rather plain shirt. I do know that some people really dislike the studs in general but I tend to enjoy them.
Leopard Print Collar Shirt Ughhh, this shirt is so perfect I was slightly speechless when I saw it on Leopard print is awesome, stylish, and it just looks great with solids. The collar is so cute I think I'd buy the collar if they sold that separately. Same basic style as the shirts shown above. The nice, summery chiffon material paired with a hot collar. I would wear this with a camisole or a tank though, most likely black or red in color.

Petit et Belle * Peter Pan Collar Necklace

This one is more cute and less edgy but still something I believe to be worth having in a closet.  I love that is is gold because for me, its either gold, silver, or even colored jewelry that I wear so this would be a lovely addition.

Spiked Faux Leather Collar
 This is one of the removeable and mobile collars. These look like a stub/rhinestone mix just from the photo but they are detailed in as spikes. This looks pretty sturdy and can be paired with a lot of shirts to give it that "pop" factor.

Hope I didn't kill you all with a photo overload. If you think this is bad just wait until I arrive in Paris!~ Now that will be a photo overload for sure. I hope you all enjoyed this post!!
How do all of you feel about the crazy up rise of collars in daily fashion trends?


Don't forget to follow me on Instagram! :3

Sunday, April 28, 2013

❤Hello Kitty is my best friend❤

Well Hi there~

I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I've been cleaning all day. I'm still working on my room but I thought I'd take a break from that to write a little blog post.

One of my roommates and I went the International Mall in Tampa last Thursday and it was a brillant way to end the last day of classes for the semester. (Minus all my lovely finals coming up this week).
Also random but hey I got an A on my Anthropology final so I'm really happy about that. A's always make me excited. :)
But anyway back to the shopping part. This mall is absolutely amazing and I hope to at least go back twice before I go back to New Jersey and then depart for France. It has so many awesome stores like MAC, Sephora, Zara, Forever21, and so many more.

This post however, is about another store they had that I was previously unaware of! They have their own Sanrio store!!!! Insert extremely pleased face here. I love Hello Kitty and friends and just everything with their faces on. I have a slight problem when it comes to small and cute things and pretty much all of these items fit that bill. I actually forgot to take a photo in front of the store. :( But, seeing as I'll be going back to that mall to get my phone fixed I will be able to go back. That will be good for my happiness but not for my wallet.
It is not a huge store, but it is quite big from what I was expecting. They had so so so much and I was pretty much hyperventilating. Haha, just kidding. I was dying on the inside though. My roommate actually commented that I showed great self control while inside so woot!

Now time for the best part of this post, my Gets. ❤❤❤❤
This is the store bag and it is just so cute I'm not throwing it away. It's actually really big as well. Just look at their cute little faces.

FREE POSTER! I don't know if this is normal protocol but my roommate said the saleslady most likely pitied me and gave me some free stuff including this poster. I haven't hung it up yet seeing as I don't know where I'd even put it. I might even give this to my little sister since I know she has lots of room on her walls and it's really cute.

The marshmallows to the left are the other freebies I received! Haha I didn't read the wrappers at all until I popped in the brown one and there was chocolate inside! It was definitely not a normal marshmellow. Also to the right is a stack of post-its! They are a pastel pink, yellow, light blue and purple. I also have a habit of collecting post-its so these were screaming for me to buy them, and who am I to refuse cute things? I have way to many post-its but they are perfect for putting everywhere and making notes so I see no reason why having a lot is a problem.

Next is this cutiepie.❤ I haven't named her/him yet but this is one of the softest plushies I've ever felt and just look at its little face. This was actually the first thing I picked up in the store and I was always pretty set on buying it. I didn't even look at the price tag which was a tiny it of a mistake seeing as this was actually the most expensive thing I bought without realizing. Learn from me guys. I actually would have bought it anyway though. Also attached is ribbon and a chain for connecting it to a phone or key-chain. Any name suggestions?
Stationary❤ I still need to find something to use this notebook for but I'm sure I'll find something. I'm actually debating on using it to write out my French and Japanese lessons. I also got three regular colored pens. I got a hot pink, purple, and a dark blue color. 

More pens. Haha
The bottom four are special markers. They have two tips, one is a smaller marker, while the top is more thick and large. The huge one in the middle is one of those pens that have around 7 different color settings. There are lovely to have for when you're taking notes and want to make something stand out, etc.. They are perfect for school so I had to get one. Lastly the one on top is a gold shimmer pen. It's a really cute shade and I just want to use if for everything. My agenda is currently covered in this color since I've outlined the next two weeks using it.

MY NEW TUMBLER. I actually only got this for 7 dollars or something because of a deal they were doing. I did not have one of these cups and everyone else seems to have them and I always sort of wondered why but now I know! They are actually very convenient. I had a choice between 2 and this one was more cute so I chose this one, I've been using it for water (Gotta drink at least 8 glasses a day ;) ) and for when I drink my ice coffee and this new soy drink I've been gulping down lately.
Also another amazing and awesome part of this cup is that it does not contain any BPA. If you do not know what that is, it is a chemical that is included in plastic products that is not very good for you to take into your body. This is a nice little article that explains it a little and gives the hype vs the fact commentary.BPA, Hype versus Fact
Lastly this is the bag that all the stationary came in. Once again it is adorable. It came with a little patch that can be put on clothes or a bag. I might do that since I am trying to learn how to sew at the moment and that could be a nice little project. I hope I don't hurt myself though, that would be a bummer.

But that concludes my gets from the Sanrio store! I did buy some other things but I'll post about them another time. I can't wait to use all my new pens and stickies

Also here is their website Hello Kitty and Friend goodness .  They ship worldwide and even have different stores for Europe, Brazil, and China, as well as Taiwan!
I'm so happy with my purchases!
I cannot wait to go back.

Anyone else like cute and adorable items? :) Also how is everyone doing? I know it's finals week for me so I'm a little stressed out but I'm almost finished so I shouldn't complain. :)

Make sure to follow me on Instagram!!!.