
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

★Paris Everyday Fashion★

How is everyone doing? :)

As I've been in Paris working on 2 months now just as you would imagine I've seen a bunch of fashionistas walking around. And while that is fabulous there are some things that I have seen again and again and has brought me to the conclusion that these items are some of the "must have", and "go to" items when speaking about French everyday fashion, and that is what I wanted to blog about today (actually around a week ago but I'm finally posting now :P )

Starting off with shoes, because hey why not, we have some lovely pairs of boots. Pretty much every girl that I've met has a couple pairs and girls that I see on the streets are wearing them pretty much everyday. Now the boots that I see the most often are either this nice boot cut style or calf length (pictured below). They are available in many different colors but I find that blacks and brown are worn the most often here.
Also take note of the heels, for they are not thin at all and is a nice and thick. Part of this I believe it is for style but the other part is the fashion industry taking into account how much Parisian, and French women walk. Whether it be 20 minutes to run to the supermarket, or 40 minutes to get to class, going in and out of the metro, and up the metro stairs, or just to work, the French walk a ton. I really do enjoy it but it has totally killed my cheap American flats that I bought before I left. I should move on before I get started on a tangent about the death of my beloved shoes due to its dysfunctional relationship with cobblestone. Anyway, if you are planning on visiting France I would suggest bringing a pair of these if you have them and don't mind walking in heels. Also I would actually consult you to buy them here since I'm beginning to find that the quality of French shoes (in general) are a lot better than what we would get back home. I will be buying a pair myself when I'm not as broke because they are great for walking and last a long time which is something I would prefer to buy over something that will only last me a couple of months.

Next on the agenda is the leather jacket. There are EVERYWHERE. Everyone and their mother owns one of these in its various forms. Every clothing store I have been into sells them, thrift stores are overflowing with them, as well as the multiple specialty stores. I'm only posting these two but in reality there are many different styles of the same jacket. This is trend that I like a lot since I feel that the jackets give off a really cool and stylish aura. It would be nice to see more colors but I know that in the US it would be better to work with a ton of colors whereas here it seems to be the place of darks and neutrals.

Lastly the thing I've seen the most on French women are the following bags! A slightly more pricey brand is Longchamp, but multiple stores sell the same style of bag in different formats, either this normal purse style, a smaller version, and finally a larger one as well. One of my friends actually bought the following maroon one and it is absolutely adorable. They are very convenient as a purse for a girl living in Paris because there is a very large chance you will be taking the metro daily, and since Paris has quite a few problems with pickpocketing this is a godsend since it zips and you can just slide it in front of you, and protect it with ease. Once again I see mostly black and brown, however there are some funky colors out there as well. 

What I would say in total for a "typical" french young adult look would be a combination of all of these and a scarf. Obviously this is not daily wear since the French are very fashionable and they like to switch it up and dress gorgeous everyday. This look looks very cool, and even though it is only a couple items it it looks very well put together not to mention everything mixes quite nicely.

Well, there is another entry and I hope you enjoyed reading :)
Are you surprised at some of the everyday wear for French women?


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