
Sunday, April 28, 2013

❤Hello Kitty is my best friend❤

Well Hi there~

I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I've been cleaning all day. I'm still working on my room but I thought I'd take a break from that to write a little blog post.

One of my roommates and I went the International Mall in Tampa last Thursday and it was a brillant way to end the last day of classes for the semester. (Minus all my lovely finals coming up this week).
Also random but hey I got an A on my Anthropology final so I'm really happy about that. A's always make me excited. :)
But anyway back to the shopping part. This mall is absolutely amazing and I hope to at least go back twice before I go back to New Jersey and then depart for France. It has so many awesome stores like MAC, Sephora, Zara, Forever21, and so many more.

This post however, is about another store they had that I was previously unaware of! They have their own Sanrio store!!!! Insert extremely pleased face here. I love Hello Kitty and friends and just everything with their faces on. I have a slight problem when it comes to small and cute things and pretty much all of these items fit that bill. I actually forgot to take a photo in front of the store. :( But, seeing as I'll be going back to that mall to get my phone fixed I will be able to go back. That will be good for my happiness but not for my wallet.
It is not a huge store, but it is quite big from what I was expecting. They had so so so much and I was pretty much hyperventilating. Haha, just kidding. I was dying on the inside though. My roommate actually commented that I showed great self control while inside so woot!

Now time for the best part of this post, my Gets. ❤❤❤❤
This is the store bag and it is just so cute I'm not throwing it away. It's actually really big as well. Just look at their cute little faces.

FREE POSTER! I don't know if this is normal protocol but my roommate said the saleslady most likely pitied me and gave me some free stuff including this poster. I haven't hung it up yet seeing as I don't know where I'd even put it. I might even give this to my little sister since I know she has lots of room on her walls and it's really cute.

The marshmallows to the left are the other freebies I received! Haha I didn't read the wrappers at all until I popped in the brown one and there was chocolate inside! It was definitely not a normal marshmellow. Also to the right is a stack of post-its! They are a pastel pink, yellow, light blue and purple. I also have a habit of collecting post-its so these were screaming for me to buy them, and who am I to refuse cute things? I have way to many post-its but they are perfect for putting everywhere and making notes so I see no reason why having a lot is a problem.

Next is this cutiepie.❤ I haven't named her/him yet but this is one of the softest plushies I've ever felt and just look at its little face. This was actually the first thing I picked up in the store and I was always pretty set on buying it. I didn't even look at the price tag which was a tiny it of a mistake seeing as this was actually the most expensive thing I bought without realizing. Learn from me guys. I actually would have bought it anyway though. Also attached is ribbon and a chain for connecting it to a phone or key-chain. Any name suggestions?
Stationary❤ I still need to find something to use this notebook for but I'm sure I'll find something. I'm actually debating on using it to write out my French and Japanese lessons. I also got three regular colored pens. I got a hot pink, purple, and a dark blue color. 

More pens. Haha
The bottom four are special markers. They have two tips, one is a smaller marker, while the top is more thick and large. The huge one in the middle is one of those pens that have around 7 different color settings. There are lovely to have for when you're taking notes and want to make something stand out, etc.. They are perfect for school so I had to get one. Lastly the one on top is a gold shimmer pen. It's a really cute shade and I just want to use if for everything. My agenda is currently covered in this color since I've outlined the next two weeks using it.

MY NEW TUMBLER. I actually only got this for 7 dollars or something because of a deal they were doing. I did not have one of these cups and everyone else seems to have them and I always sort of wondered why but now I know! They are actually very convenient. I had a choice between 2 and this one was more cute so I chose this one, I've been using it for water (Gotta drink at least 8 glasses a day ;) ) and for when I drink my ice coffee and this new soy drink I've been gulping down lately.
Also another amazing and awesome part of this cup is that it does not contain any BPA. If you do not know what that is, it is a chemical that is included in plastic products that is not very good for you to take into your body. This is a nice little article that explains it a little and gives the hype vs the fact commentary.BPA, Hype versus Fact
Lastly this is the bag that all the stationary came in. Once again it is adorable. It came with a little patch that can be put on clothes or a bag. I might do that since I am trying to learn how to sew at the moment and that could be a nice little project. I hope I don't hurt myself though, that would be a bummer.

But that concludes my gets from the Sanrio store! I did buy some other things but I'll post about them another time. I can't wait to use all my new pens and stickies

Also here is their website Hello Kitty and Friend goodness .  They ship worldwide and even have different stores for Europe, Brazil, and China, as well as Taiwan!
I'm so happy with my purchases!
I cannot wait to go back.

Anyone else like cute and adorable items? :) Also how is everyone doing? I know it's finals week for me so I'm a little stressed out but I'm almost finished so I shouldn't complain. :)

Make sure to follow me on Instagram!!!.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

☺Current Lip Obsessions ☺

'Ello Everyone!

I don't know exactly why but as of late I have been completely obsessed with lipsticks. And when I say that I mean for the last 3 months. I used to not have any interest whatsoever for anything other than lip gloss since I used to think that lipsticks were too much and I felt that they would only make me look like a lost clown in search of the nearest county fair. I was totally wrong though. They are quite nice and I've sort of gone and bought quite a couple ones. I've only been using a couple all the time but I did go out and buy around 5 more just to have them and to eventually experiment with.  However these are the three I've been using the most frequently!

This is from Rimmel London and it is #272 and the color is Frosted. This color is absolutely fantastic. It goes on very nicely and leaves a wonderful shine to my lips. It's not too much of a brassy color, and it is more of a nude shimmer, which is what I was looking for. This is the first lipstick that I started wearing a lot. It lasted a really long time and didn't look like too much was going on with my face. It also went well with a lot of my outfits. It's almost all gone though so I think I may cut back a bit as to not use it all up so quickly. :)
Rimmel London. #272 Frosted

Next is this wonderful color from Revlon that I cannot even find anymore. I don't know if it was just limited time or maybe the store I've been to just haven't had them but other way I haven't found one in stores. Then again they are probably all over the internet. I was actually rather upset when I came home with this because in reality I had grabbed the wrong color. I thought I had grabbed a red but when I actually pulled it out and saw the word orange I nearly had a heart attack. I usually correlate the lip color orange with that neon color so I was very afraid. However I LOVE it. This goes on so smoothly and it has a wonderful sheer quality to it, but at the same time it gives some serious color to my lips. It also shimmers a bit which I find cute. No matter if I go heavy, or light on my eye makeup this color will make my face pop. It is just the right color that can be wore during the day and for a night out. 4.5 stars for this one! 

Revlon - Abstract Orange

Clinique - Shade is SHY

Lastly is this plum color that is from Clinque and actually goes by the name "Shy". My boss actually gave this to me 2 weeks ago and it is amazing. She got it in with her order and didn't think it would suit her so she gave it to me so Yay! I'm really happy she did that because I adore this color. It is a plum, sore of light purple mix. It seems to be sheer but then as you can see from the little swatch I've done, it does have some standing color. It's such a nice shade. Plus it is not at all sticky, it just glides right on. I would definitely buy this once this one I have runs out. I feel that this is a timeless color. It goes with so much and does not look awkward.

Overall while writing this I want to buy more to have a lovely and crazy color collection. Like the colors of the rainbow with all the funky colors included that are usually pushed out of the way by the main colors. 

That is all for tonight guys! What colors have you been obsessed with lately?



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'm going to Paris ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

How is everyone doing? I hope not as drowned in work as I am. Haha
I'm taking a break for the night to write my blog, Skype with a friend and just chill before hopping back into study mode.

Anyway! I AM GOING TO PARIS!!! I will be spending my junior year of uni abroad in Paris, France and I am so excited. I have lived in France for a year of high school as well and it feels great to be going back. I do not know what school I'll be attending yet but I know I'll find out in around a month so not so much longer. I hate not knowing so this is hyperbolically killing me.

"I'm going to live in Paris" is the thought that keeps playing on loop in my head. I cannot contain my excitement! I've been to Paris a couple of times when I live in Le Havre and I loved it! You know how a lot of Europeans are excited for NY? Well, that's me about Paris. From my memories it is just so lovely, lively, and stunning.  (≧∇≦)
I'm so easily excited though so even the building makes me freak out on the inside.
This is one of the photos I took while climbing up the Eiffel Tower in 2010!

I'm just scared about the cost. Paris is so crazy expensive....euhhhh. However, I get to pay instate tuition for FL so that will make it a weeeeeee bit cheaper. I'm actually fundraising to help pay some of the costs so that will be interesting. Woot woot! I'm actually working on my letter now and it is slightly difficult to write. Selling myself without sounding cocky, while at the same time yelling "TAKE ME TAKE ME I'M AWESOME" is proving to be a difficult task. I think this will help with my writing overall though so either way this process is not being done in vain!!!

Also can we all just take a moment to think about the overhwelming FASHION that I will be witnessing?!!?!?? At my school people are so judgmental sometimes about people who dress a different way or if you try something new. For example I get so many looks if I wear small heels somewhere with a nice outfit.....
At this fashion capital though I can just see all the interesting, and adorable outfits I'll see.....and most likely buy. It is so exciting!!!!!  My wallet is already crying. Haha
But I am also just happy to be going to France. I love the culture, the food (so much better than American food, sorry.....not sorry), and art is something that I really have a passion for!!!!!

I need to study and practice French though. Merp
Have any of you been to France? :)
Bisous <3


Friday, April 12, 2013

Stress is eating me alive.

Hello Everyone :)

Well today has been a tough day. Whew, I don't even know where to begin...
How about with the question, Do you ever feel like you have so much going on, or that you need to do that you're being swallowed up by a gigantic hole the size of the Sun? :)
Well, I for one sure am feeling that way. It's the end of the semester and as if worrying about finals weren't enough, there is just more work being piled on top of that. I'll be spending next year in Paris to go to school and there is a ton of paperwork for that. A lot of which I can't even do yet since I don't know what uni I'll be attending. As for school, I have 3 papers, one oral recitation, and 4 finals coming up! Craziness I know!
I don't know why but today all these thoughts were crashing onto me and I started freaking out. Thoughts about money, school, and French were buzzing around my head like a pack of hungry bees! 

This describes my life at the moment.  I got this photo online, it does not belong to me!

BUT I'm okay now. Being stressed out is a part of life. It's not a good feeling, but it is natural and I'm happy to say that I am learning how to deal with this! Everyone gets stressed out over school, work, family, or some other social part of our lives so that made me remember that I'm not alone. My good friends were right with me trying to cheer me up and make me smile. It worked, thank gosh! I felt like I was going to die earlier. Haha.

I love my friends so much. They are seriously the best. I've made so many of these friends through various fandoms and I've never been as happy as I've been lately to have these people in my life. :)

Is anyone else stressed over school? This is finals time after all. :(
I've also got a couple things that I do when stressed that you guys may find useful to try or just to laugh at. When I get stressed I clean...a lot. I go all OCD on my room, and the kitchen, and any room I can get my hands on. I don't know why, but it calms me down. Also music is a huge lifesaver. I love blasting my music when I'm feeling like I'm going to explode. I swear for the past hour I've been looping the new Takahashi Minami single "Jane Doe" and it is so fabulous. Instant happiness.

Writing seems to be helping too. It's quite a nice way to release the tension. I just wish I could write my papers like I write my blog in the sense that I'm not getting writers block.

I'm so excited for this weekend though. I think I'm going to make some Favorite Products posts.
I'm debating on whether to start with hairsprays or eyeliner! It's a tough choice.

That's all for now. Sorry for the rant!
I hope none of you guys are as stressed!
If anyone is feeling stressed for whatever reason don't be afraid to comment! I'll listen! :)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gets! 04/09/2013 and Crazy Morning Adventures!

Hello again everyone!

Happy Wednesday♥......We are so close to Friday and the weekend! I seriously cannot wait until the weekend. I have so much to do and it is all just depressing! College certainly isn't easy, but then again a challenge is great. I think that difficulties are good at times because they really help us grow as people. Hopefully from this year I'll be able to be more organized, and do more things in a timely manner. Anyway! Yesterday was an amazing day. It actually started off terribly though. I slept through all three of my alarms and because of that I missed my classes for the day. And yup you read that right, 3 alarms. Not one, not two, but three. I seriously need to have multiple alarms to get up because this semester I have discovered the "snooze" button. I had actually never used it before and now it will probably lead to my undoing. But thanks to that I was able to tag along with my roommates to go to Chick-fil-A! They serve free coffee in the morning with any purchase apparently so that was amazing. Then we hung out for a couple hours (completely taking over my one roommates bed as seen in these embarrassing photos :P) bwahahaa.
Eventually though, my other roommate and I went shopping and I got some really cute and awesome things. I spent too much money though....but anyway!
Firstly I went shoe shopping at this cute little shoe store whose name I cannot recall at the moment but I absolutely love this store. I got one of my favorite pairs of shoes from there and the quality is quite nice and the prices are not bad. :)  I finally own a pair of brown shoes! I was in desperate need of some type of shoe that was brown since the more I put outfits together the more I realized that they are essential. They look really light in the photo but in reality they are a darker brown. Very bright flash, I guess! But they are adorable and are actually quite comfy. Next I got a really cute pair of black shoes with a small wedge. They even have a bow on the side. They are great because I can wear them to work, on campus, out with friends, and with both dressy and casual outfits! I wanted them in red too, but they didn't have my size. :( I'm still upset about that. Just imagine... They were gorgeous. I'm totally a shoe girl in case you couldn't already tell. What are your favorite kinds of shoes? Heels, wedges, flats, converse?

Next we hopped over to Rue21 and Ross! In Rue21 I found a Hello Kitty tank that has leopard on it, and I could not leave it behind at the store. It's everything I love all in one tank! The yellow shirt is from Ross, and it is so cute. It's a nice yellow, which is great for spring and summer since it's also a very light shirt. The back is all lace so I'd suggest a camisole, or something underneath!

 These shorts I also got from Ross. I like the blue ones a lot. When I tried them on I realized that the only short I owned were in that same old jean color and texture. These blue ones are really soft and it also came with a cute brown belt. I love when clothing items come with belts, and little extras like that. Makes spending money a little better since it's like you're paying for one item and actually getting two. Next I got these stylish high waisted black shorts! These were an instant love. They feel so soft, and they are perfect for going out and that is something I was looking for since it's going to be too hot to wear pants all the time. Gotta love Florida weather.
 I also got a cute brown, meshy shirt that has white polka dots on them. It has a collar which is a double plus since I've been obsessed with them all season.
I also got this dress from Rue21 and it is fabulous and was only 10 dollars. :)
 I also got this sock things..They were only 3 bucks and they are practical for some of my shoes. I got one in black and nude.

Now for the makeup load.......I think I went a wee bit overboard. Haha. BUT, In my defense I had a 30 dollar giftcard that I had to use. lol
I got another one of my Nexxus hairsprays. This time, however, I'm trying a different type/ The one I've been using is supposed to help combat Frizz and I really love it. It's the best hairspray I've ever used and I might actually make a post on that by itself. Anyway this one is supposed to have a strong hold, and also not have that crunchy feeling which I hope works.

I got two nail polishes! A dark purple, and a starry midnight color.
I got two eye shimmers which I've been wanting to try out for the longest time. They help your eyes appear larger and give them a cute shimmer.
Then I bought 3 lipsticks. An ELF red matte color, and then Milani #17 PlumRose color, and lastly I wanted to try out the color whispers so I grabbed #55, One size fits pearl. It's a really light pink and super adorable. They are all such nice colors and they go on quite nice so I'm excited to wear them. .

Wheeeeeew♥. That is a lot and now as I'm blogging I think I can hear my bank crying. Haha just kidding, just kidding. But actually everything I got was at a good price and I didn't really pay that much money per item. I got some seriously amazing deals so I'm very content with this shopping trip.

Well has anyone gone shopping recently? What did you buy? :)

Seeya later everyone! I'm off to go to class, and then I'm going to sushi! ♥

:3 ♥Jessie